

The Case for Life

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The Case for Life Podcast:

Pound The Facts Not The Table

Pound The Facts Not The Table

For years pro-lifers have been reluctant to show the imagery that is most directly related to the topic of abortion. But we will continue to lose if we do not use imagery to both establish the humanity of the unborn and the inhumanity of abortion.

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Election Predictions and A Mailbag

Election Predictions and A Mailbag

Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. Poling data doesn’t always mean victory. In the Mailbag we tackle whether or not we need to know the embryo has a soul before we can say we can intentionally kill him.

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Don’t assume your Christian friends understand moral reasoning

Don’t assume your Christian friends understand moral reasoning

Christians often say goofy things about abortion; it is typical for their IQ to drop 80 points when the topic is put on the table. However, it is essential for Christians to bring people back to the basic argument that pro-lifers make: that it is always wrong to intentionally kill innocent human beings.

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