The Case for Life
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The Case for Life Podcast:
The Pro-Life Kiss of Death
You don’t put out fires by cooperating with arsonists.
David French is treating unborn babies like poker chips. He’s willing to trade lives now in hopes of an idealized future.
Can a Christian vote for Kamala Harris?
Voting for Kamala Harris does not disqualify you from being a Christian but it may mean that your worldview does not align with a Biblical one.
Gospel or Pro-Life?
Pastors present a false choice when they tell their parishioners that they need to be about the gospel rather than conveying pro-life truth. Truth is, they can do both.
Humans are exceptional, but they are not gods
While human beings are exceptional from every other created thing, we should be careful not to think of them as consecrated gods.
Is the GOP losing its mind?
For years, pro-lifers argued politically that Roe v. Wade represented the courts overreaching. They should’ve argued that Roe v. Wade was wrong because it intentionally allowed the killing of innocent human beings.
Right and wrong are real, not mere constructs
Relativism is self-defeating. The very claim, “you shouldn’t force your morals on others” is an attempt to force some moral rule on those who disagree.
Pro-lifers are not lying in their description of abortion
Don’t take my word for it. Look at what abortion choice advocate say about what abortion actually entails.
Pro-life speaking takes courage but you gotta do it anyway
No more excuses! Pro-life speakers are not born, they’re organized.
5 things pro-lifers should say
By saying these five things, we help people understand the clarity of the pro-life view and keep the main thing the main thing.