

The Case for Life

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The Case for Life Podcast:

Twisting scripture to justify killing

Twisting scripture to justify killing

We don’t need the Bible to say “abortion is wrong” before we know abortion is wrong. The Bible teaches that all humans bear the image of their maker. If the unborn are human, they bear the image of their maker and therefore shouldn’t be intentionally killed.

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Truth or Territory

Truth or Territory

Is truth on the pro-life issue discerned by receiving  private revelation from God or do we discover it by unlocking the truths of scripture?

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Worldview Training is Important

Worldview Training is Important

Scott discusses the quickly coming The Case for Life Video Course with Leslie Segraves. She recently went through this course and shares ways that it has helped her to interact on the abortion issue.

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Missions and abortion in the 10/40 Window

Missions and abortion in the 10/40 Window

Scott is joined by Leslie Segraves, the Cofounder and President of 10/40 Connections and recent new speaker at Life Training Institute. They discuss the missions that they do in the 10/40 window where they use the link between abortion and the Gospel to build God’s kingdom.

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