

The Case for Life

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The Case for Life Podcast:

Identity or Equality?

Identity or Equality?

Which pro-abortion thinkers are right? Is it those who say we are biologically human but don’t exist as a self until brain function is present or those who assert that we are identical to our embryonic selfs but don’t have the same right to life then as we do now.

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The substance view of human value

The substance view of human value

Human beings maintain identity through time and change. That means you the adult are identical to the embryo you once were. Hence if you are valuable today, you were valuable at the two cell stage.

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What makes humans equal?

What makes humans equal?

Secular worldviews cannot account for human equality or value, because they’re based on traits that come and go and none of us share equally. Only the pro-life worldview can establish a true basis for human value.

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