Right and wrong are real, not mere constructs
Relativism is self-defeating. The very claim, “you shouldn’t force your morals on others” is an attempt to force some moral rule on those who disagree.
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Are pro-lifers forcing their morality on others when they claim abortion is wrong? Well, that’s what one commentator says here in this piece. He thinks it’s ridiculous that pro-lifers are trying to impose their moral view on others who disagree. What do we think of that? Well, I want to give you a very quick response. In fact, there’s only one question You need to ask when people say, you’re forcing your morals on me. Here’s the question. Are you saying I’m wrong? Now, the only way they can respond to that is by either saying yes or no. Either way, the objection vanishes. Here’s why. If they say yes, then they are assuming objective morality, the very position you hold, and they’re imposing their view on you by correcting you. If they say no, then all right, well, then who are you to impose your view on me? Why is your personal opinion more valuable than mine? This is the problem with relativism. And relativism is a worldview lurking behind most of the objections to the pro-life view. Anytime somebody says you shouldn’t impose your view on me or who are you to judge or Why are you trying to claim your right? The worldview idling behind that is relativism. Let me define that for you. Relativism is the belief that right and wrong are either up to you as an individual or or up to your society, but there’s no overarching objective standards we’re supposed to line up with. We make up moral rules for ourselves, either individually or as a culture. Either way, though, that view is very problematic. And I want to give you 3 fatal flaws with relativism. Number one, the minute you say that right and wrong are up to us or that you shouldn’t impose your views on others, you are engaging in a self-refuting point of view. In other words, the very thing you’re claiming refutes itself. For example, if I say to you, who are you to force your morality on me? Don’t do that. well, then I’m imposing a moral rule on you. It’s like I’m saying there are no moral rules. Oh, but here’s one. You have to be tolerant of everybody else, and don’t you dare claim to be right. Well, that’s a moral rule I’m seeking to impose on you. Therefore, I’m doing the very thing I’m saying I shouldn’t do. It’s literally self-refuting, kind of like saying, My brother is an only child, or I can’t speak a word in English, or there’s no such thing as truth. Or here’s another one, don’t take anybody’s advice on anything, including that advice. I mean, you see the problem, right? It’s literally self refuting. But I would point out another flaw. You can’t say anything is wrong on relativism, including intolerance. Hey, Mother Teresa, Adolf Hitler, you know, one liked to help people. Well, Hitler, he liked to kill them. Who are we to judge? But wait a minute. If it’s true that there are no moral rules, we have a problem. We can’t say that rape and murder are really wrong. We can only say we don’t prefer that you do them. Well, that reduces even grave moral evils to a mere tolerance or a mere preference issue that we know better, right? We know there’s a difference between feeding a kid and starving him to death. But on relativism, what’s the difference? There isn’t one. And finally, no one can live as a moral relativist. C.S. Lewis put this real well in Mere Christianity. The very man who tells you there is no such thing as objective right and wrong will complain if you steal his orange or cut him off in line. He’ll say that’s not fair. Fair. And Lewis asks a very important question. What do we mean by fair? Where did this standard of right and wrong come from? Well, it has to be something outside of ourselves that we’re appealing to. It can’t be something we construct for ourselves. So the very person who tells you don’t force your views on me when it comes to abortion is literally forcing that moral rule on you. And I want to point out one other thing. We as pro-lifers are not imposing our views. We’re proposing our views in hopes that our fellow citizens will vote them into law. That’s exactly how a constitutional republic like ours should work. So don’t let people silence you by claiming you’re just forcing your view. You’re not. You’re proposing your view in hopes that your fellow citizens will agree. That’s what it means to be pro-life. Thanks to ProLifeTraining.com and Life Training Institute for sponsoring this podcast. And I hope you’ll like our pages on social media. Hit that like button. and share the links to the podcast to others so this message can get out. Look forward to seeing you next time.